(503) 660-8422

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Estate Planning Revolution: Transforming Families Empowering Individuals |

St. Johns's Catholic Community Foundation

Estate Planning
Build a
Plan Legacy |

Providing free estate planning seminars and consultations assisting individuals in the estate planning process to  preserve and build wealth.


Numbers to Know

The Foundation’s goal is to provide free, thoughtful estate planning to aid in the distribution of your estate and avoid unnecessary tax implications.

Over the last decade over $2 billion was deducted from resident estates by the state of Oregon in estate tax.  In Oregon , any estate over $1 million in total assets is subject to a massive 10% to 16% tax burden.

Americans without estate plans
0 %
Lost to Oregon estate tax
$ 0 b
Generational wealth transferring in the next 20 years
$ 0 t


Knowledge and Action

Surveys from a number of reputable organizations consistently report that an estimated 70% of Americans do not have an estate plan. And in some cases, the estate plans that do exist are in need of review and revisions.

The two primary reasons for this condition are lack of knowledge and procrastination.


Join in Today

70% of Americans currently do not have an estate plan.  The two primary reasons for this condition are lack of knowledge and procrastination.

The Foundation has initiated a strategy to address the lack of knowledge barrier by establishing a consulting agreement with Mr. Lon Dufek to assist individuals in the estate planning process.  Mr. Dufek has over 25 years of experience in the estate planning for the Providence Foundation and is considered an expert in the field.  Interested parties can receive a detailed confidential estate planning consultation with Mr. Dufek free of charge.

Americans with Estate Plans
0 %


Solutions through Free Private Consultations

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STEP 3..........


What Our Clients Say

These testimonials highlight our client’s satisfaction, the benefits they’ve received, and why they would recommend us to friends and family.

Demonstrating Christian values through our calling to bless others.



(503) 660-8422

Ready to Talk

© 2025 St. John’s Catholic Community Foundation