(503) 660-8422

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Estate Planning Revolution: Transforming Families Empowering Individuals |

About Us

Our Consultant

On behalf of the St. John’s Catholic Community Foundation, we are honored to welcome you as a valued member of our community. Our mission is to provide clarity, guidance, and support as you navigate the important process of planning for the future.

Lon P. Dufek, CPA, CFP

Lon P. Dufek is a Certified Public Accountant and Certified Financial Planner who has spent his entire 48-year career in the area of charitable estate planning. He began his career working with a faith-based foundation in Arizona for a period of 13 years. He then spent 10 years with Crescendo Interactive, Inc. where he provided planned and charitable giving, estate planning, tax planning and gift administration expertise to over 3,000 Crescendo clients nationwide. Clientele included planned giving directors, development officers and staff, attorneys and financial advisors.

Over the past 25 years, Lon has been the Senior Director/Office of Gift Planning supporting the Providence Medical Foundations in Oregon providing expertise to all Providence donors in the area of charitable estate planning. Donors have relied on Lon’s expertise to convey charitable concepts in a straightforward manner in the overall financial, retirement and estate planning process. The key principle in this planning process is always to put family first and then provide options to make a bequest to charity and leave a valuable and lasting legacy.

Following Lon’s retirement from the Providence Medical Foundation he is now an independent consultant providing gift and charitable estate planning services to charities in the Northwest such as St. John’s Catholic Community Foundation. His consulting services include working with donors, their families and financial advisors to determine the most effective avenues of giving currently to charity and then of leaving a legacy through their estate plans.

Lon holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona, with additional accounting and taxation specialization studies at Arizona State University. He is a member of the Estate Planning Council of Portland, Northwest Planned Giving Roundtable and National Association of Charitable Gift Planners.

Meet Our Board

On behalf of the St. John’s Catholic Community Foundation, we are honored to welcome you as a valued member of our community. Our mission is to provide clarity, guidance, and support as you navigate the important process of planning for the future.

Dennis Stoecklin, CPA


John Redhouse

Vice President

Patrick Gabrish


Brian Bergquist


Jean Hill-Rutter



In 2006 members from the St John the Baptist parish in Milwaukie Oregon gathered together to initiate a private, independent foundation with the sole purpose to benefit the ongoing mission and ministry of the parish church and elementary school.  The Foundation was also recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a qualified charitable independent not-for-profit organization.

Specifically, the Foundation aimed to acquire donations that were intended to create perpetual endowments.  The principal of these endowments would be invested and the annual earnings would be distributed to the parish on an annual basis.  Since its establishment the Foundation has distributed over $235,000 to the parish church and school.

Founded in 2006


Endowment Earnings Distributed


Total Assets

Mission and Purpose

While the primary purpose of the Foundation is to acquire and manage donor contributed endowments to benefit parish ministry, the Foundation also engages in estate planning activity to assist all interested individuals in designing an estate plan that meets their desired wishes and also avoids unwanted tax liability.

Planned Giving

The Foundation believes that charitable planned giving should be a component part of every estate plan.  We have all been blessed by God during our lifetime and the Bible call for us to bless others as we have been blessed. Your estate plan can be a very powerful tool to demonstrate your Christian values and can also be an encouragement and model for others.

Demonstrating Christian values through our calling to bless others.



(503) 660-8422

Ready to Talk

© 2025 St. John’s Catholic Community Foundation